Uber Banger

Livraison d'une identité modulable pour un projet musical excentrique et coloré.

Screenshot from the video clip named "8 mile" where we can see the rapper ICO squatting in front of the camera
Screenshot video graphics
Both normal and illustrated version of the Uber Banger logo
Uber Banger logo
All iterations of the Uber Banger logo, one for each song of the series
Uber Banger logo family
"8 Miles" promotion visual on top of a screenshot from the video clip
Uber Banger 8 Miles
"Plu Wu" promotion visual on top of a screenshot from the video clip
Uber Banger Plu Wu
"Rebeu FRGL 2" promotion visual on top of a screenshot from the video clip
Uber Banger Rebeu FRGL 2

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