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Bruxelles, Belgium

Graphiste belge basé à Bruxelles, spécialisé dans le design, la direction artistique et la typographie

, je suis actuellement Lead Designer chez Whitecube ↗

[ Sajada/Le Lien ]

Photograph of an art installation featuring a selection of prayer rugs suspended in front of a brick wall.

[ Baci website ]

[ Cebedeau ]

Cebeadeau website's home page sitting over a picture of a blue building

[ Jouvencelle ]

[ Baci Restaurant ]

[ Signs Project ]

Signs studio home page

[ Spratchie’s ]

[ Zinneke Wine ]

A bottle of Zinneke Wine held in the a hand of a woman

[ Lasco Agency ]

[ Uber Banger ]

Icon holding his Uber Banger bag under his arm

[ Loc’Ardenne ]

Thumbnail Loc'Ardenne